søndag den 29. juni 2008

Afrejsen / the go-away

Så er det vist på tide at få lagt lidt rigtige billeder op fra da hvalpene tog hjemmefra - heldigvis over 2 weekender, for hvis det kun havde været den første søndag, havde det bare været for trist.

Tak for jeres sms- mails - fotos - mms ...det luner ALT sammen at høre at det går godt med vores små banditter ;-) selvom vi ved at de har det godt hos jer.

Well about time that we got some pictures from when the puppies went away from home - luckily for us over 2 weekends, as it would have too sad if just that one Sunday.

Thank you so much for your email - sms - mms - fotos; it ALL warms our hearts to hear that the small bandits are doing so well ;-) eventhough we KNOW that they're having a great time with you.

Born To Work Brown Coppersaslan - ASLAN:

Born To Work Brown Cosmo - COSMO:

Born To Work Brown Casanova - CAS:

Born To Work Black Cool Laddie - LADDIE:

onsdag den 25. juni 2008

laddie i hans hule

"stakkels" Laddie må nøjes m vaske maskinen som hule når Camilla støvsuger ;-)

laddie m hans nye best buddie

Fra Ulrik og Camilla kom dette skønne billede af Laddie som sover sammen med deres anden hund - golden Felix. laddie er nu vokset til 7 kg - mens vi lige har nødt Aslan i går som er oppe på 6,3 kg - skønne basser ;-) de er så småt begyndt at have ørene oppe one by one ...blir sjovt at se den m begge ører oppe.

søndag den 15. juni 2008

150608 - fotos

Den sidste leg .... the last game with the brothers...

Kære alle

et lille link til lidt billeder fra den sidste dag hos os.. *snøft*
Vi er meget glade for at høre at det går så godt hos jer alle sammen - vi glæder os til de fortsætte updates på hvordan det går m de små skønne hvalpe :-) Vi savner dem alle hver især meget.
Og lidt foto fra da de rejste

Dear all,

a link to pictures form the last day at home with us *cry* we're so happy to hear that the puppies are doing well everywhere - we're looking forward to updates on how the great little puppies are doing .-) We miss them all very much !
A little foto album from when the puppies left us.


Dette er en børste fra Kong - den m bolde - super til at tage underuld v fæld.

150608 Update in English

Thursday the 29th of May: The puppies were with us at the Danske Bank branch in Jyderup, where Jens is working and got to say hello to all the employes from this branch as well as 5 others, who were there for a meeting. The puppies looked like they had a blast; went all over the room and got to feel glassdoor without frame, new types of floor - slippery and rugs.
Afterwards we went to Ubby (our 2nd house) where Jens was cutting the grass, so the puppies came in the outside dogyard together with Bellis & Dooley. They loved being outthere, so much that we couldn't get them go out again ! they loved playing and sleeping underneath the tree in the yard.
First we had played with them on the grass, where they played with eachother, Dooley, Bellis and got to see/feel all the trafic passing by - and digging at our flowers! :-)

Friday the 30th of May: Just relaxing in the garden untill afternoon where Jens had made a appointment with a 8 weeks old Labrador pup and 6,5 yo German Shepherd at our dogclub, where they hadn't been before. So another trip in the car - and they loved being outthere.

Saturday the 31st of May: relaxing with Jens in the garden and got to get outside for 2 hours when Iben got home - so a quiet day, don't think they mind ! :-)

Sunday the 1st of June: Relaxin in the garden - still 28 celsius - and we started train clicker with them one by one; this time just orange boy.
They had visit byt Charlotte & Kim, who was so nice to bring new toys with them to the puppies - and it was loved right away! thank you very much. Iben's sister Mette came by with her children Rasmus & Emiliey, who was reading to take them all home :-) After being awake and active for almost 3 hours in a row, the puppies went "cold" and got inside for a long nap - before getting outside again at 21.00.

Monday the 2nd of June: Puppies has been active sinde the morning and has been outside for almost 1,5 hours - and got 1 hour drive to Ibens work, where they got to meet all the co-workers. They took it so great - fell asleep right away I started the car again.

Tuesday the 3rd of June: Puppies and Iben had a relaxed day, so when Jens came home we took the all the the shopping center at 18.30 where there wasn't too much people at the center. They were all 4 out together and took the experience great; they were of course a little insecure of shopping carts and the different sounds but they really behave great. They got to say hi so many people; including children.

Wedneysday the 4th of June: had a great morning - where they really enjoyed themselves and us at the garden. Afternoon Iben took the puppies to visit her old work and co-workers, and here they got to say to a 13 week old Akita puppy and 6 people. Dooley almost taught them to jump into the little lake while trying to persuite the swans and ducks at the lake next to the building. All my former co-workers suddenly was standing with a pup each :-) They were with Iben in the car around Sorø city but was so tired that they just fell asleep right away. We took the puppy yard down and brought that with us to the dog club as Iben had to teach and Jens had to go to class with Dooley. So they had a go at rally...no .-) But many people came along to cuddle and let their dogs say hi through the fence. Great training.

Thursday the 5th of June: National holiday in Denmark; first they got visit from Per - Rebecca and Jacob and then Johanna came as well to cuddle the puppies. So nice that you had time to come by Johanna - and thank you very much for the gifts for the puppies (robes) and the present for Bellis and Iben for their trick with the reverse elephant :-) Afterwards we packed the car with dogs - puppy yard and went to Jens' parents 75 min drive away, where they stayed outside the rest of the day sleeping in the puppy yard which was filled with toys - grass (of course...) and blankets for them to sleep at. They loved being there and saying hi to "their" grandparents. Freja has almost been brought up there and Andy is born there, so they all love going there. The puppies slept easily in the car on the way home.

Friday the 6th of June: Pretty busy day for the puppies :-) First a sheep instinct tet at Camilla's new place - thank very much for your time. And thank you so much Charlotte & Kim for turning up, helping with video - foto etc.- hope you had a great experience as well :-)
When Iben got home with the puppies they took a nap and then the chipper came along and put the chips in them. One by one - were they chipped and checked. Just one was not happy with that.
Spend a great afternoon in the garden - taking fotos and playing with them.
In the evening Iben had made an appoitment with a good friend of us, Sabine, who sadly for us, has accepted a job in Dubai as a vet, so she'll be going soon. Thank you Sabine for the help - and for letting me and Carina bring 4 very active puppies into your great appartment on 1st floor. They really loved it - stole Sabine's dog's treat and was chasing eachother for it etc. Sabine really took her time with the puppies, so they all had a great experience with getting vaccinated. Thank you so much both Sabine and Carina for all your help !
Pictures from this day.

lørdag den 14. juni 2008

150608: Så....

er vi helt alene... *snøft* ..altså uden hvalpe, vi har stadig de skønne 4 kelpier; Freja, Andy, Bellis & Dooley :-)

Casanova forlod hjemmet kl. 23.00 lørdag den 14. juni 2008 - puha det var hårdt. Skønt at Mirian og Guido kom allerede i går, så de fik tid til at sove og slappe lidt før de kører hjem her til aften.

Now we're all alone.... *cry* ..well without puppies, we still have the 4 great Kelpies; Freja, Andy, Bellis & Dooley :-)
Casanova left the home 23.00 on Saturday the 14th of June 2008 - that was really hard! Thank you Mirian & Guido for the lovely dinner and icecream! We're happy that you came yesterday and have time to get fresh to go all the way back home.

mandag den 9. juni 2008

090608 Det går godt

med alle hvalpene i deres nye hjem - tak for jeres sms - mms og fotoalbums :-) Det luner at høre, at I har fået de små guldklumper godt hjem.

Casanova bliver hos os til på lørdag - og han hygger sig med at være med i byen, som han tager som om han aldrig har prøvet andet.:-)Og så fik vi klikkertrænet ham lidt ..til at gå op i en kasse.

Cosmo har mødt sin nye hundesambo - se hvor søde de ser ud:
se flere foto af de første par dage i Cosmo's liv - klik på link

Cosmo, Aslan & Laddie has arrived safely at their new homes after getting picked up yesterday. Thank you for the sms / mms / fotoalbums :-) It's so great to hear that you have got the great puppies home safely.

Casanova is staying with us untill Saturday and he is having a good time with Auntie Dooley, mom Bellis and grandmother Freja (and uncle Andy in the background). He was with us at the city shopping center today at 3 o'clock, which he took so great. he just loved being out saying hallo to everybody at the center. we started a little clicker training with ham - to get into a box :-) The foto shows Cosmo with his new best friend the beagle Micki. Click at link above to see more photos from his first few days.

lørdag den 7. juni 2008

060608 Foto

Så er der foto fra i dag -
Tak til Kim og Charlotte for billederne fra instinkttesten hos Camilla Runchel - Kennel TipTop Aussier. Og 1000 tak Camilla for din tid og gæstfrihed.

Hvalpene hjemme og hos dyrlægeTak Carina for hjælpen i aften med hvalpene hos Sabine, hvor de blev dyrlægetjekket og fik deres 1. vaccination. 1000 tak Sabine for din store hjælp :-)

First photos from the puppies at the sheep - testing instict at Camilla Runchel's place - kennel Tip Top Aussie. Thank you to Camilla for hosting and Kim & Charlotte for the help with the puppies and fotografing. I just have video from the test, while Kim & Charlotte took some photos - enjoy :-)

We took some new photos of the puppies in the garden, and Carina took while we were at Sabine (the vet's) place in Copenhagen for check of the puppies as well as vaccinations. Thank you so much Sabine & Carina for all your help :-)

mandag den 2. juni 2008

020608 Video from today

020608: Opdatering

Torsdag den 29. maj: hvalpene var med i Danske Bank Jyderup afdelingen, hvor Jens arbejder - og fik hilst på medarbejderne fra afdelingen + 5 andre, som var til møde. De hyggede sig - fik vist været alle steder i lokalet - fik set glasdøre uden ramme, som vi har på terrassen. Fik afprøvet nye typer gulve - glatte og gulvtæpper.
Bagefter var de med i Ubby, hvor vi skulle have slået græs, hvorfor de kom i hundegård sammen med Bellis og Dooley, mens Jens slog, da det ikke er til at slå græs på en havetraktor med små hvalpe rendende rundt. Vi havde først siddet med dem på græsset - hvor de havde leget godt, set store lastbiler + traktorer kører forbi..og så fik de også gravet lidt i vores blomsterbed... !! :-)
De tog det med ophøjet ro at være i hundegården - faktisk kunne vi ikke få lokket dem med ud igen, da de synes det var dejligt under mirabelletræet i den varme vi havde.

Fredag den 30. maj: Lidt hygge på græsplænen hjemme om formiddagen og om eftermiddagen havde Jens lavet aftale med en 8 ugers labrador og en 5 års schæfer, som de fik hilst på - på nyt areal i vores klub, hvor de ikke har været før. Så de fik også en køretur.

Lørdag den 31. maj: Hygge hjemme med Jens - og da Iben kom hjem sent lørdag kom de ud i haven i 2 timer :-) En stille dag - det gør heller ikke noget ;-)

Søndag den 1. juni: Hygge i haven med os begge, påbegyndt klikkertræning med dem enkeltvis, nåede dog kun den orange denne gang. Ellers besøg af Charlotte og Kim, som havde været så søde at medbringe lidt nyt legetøj til hvalpene, som de straks kastede sig over. Tak ;-) dernæst kom Iben's søster forbi med hendes to børn, Rasmus og Emilie, som var parat til at tage dem alle sammen med hjem. Efter at have været vågne og aktiveret i næsten 3 timer i træk, gik hvalpene så "kolde" og fik lov til at komme ind og sove lidt. De var så lige ude og rase af ved 21 tiden.

Mandag den 2. juni: Hvalpene har været aktive fra morgenstunden - og har været ude i knapt 1½ time - sover lige nu, men om lidt får de en halvlang køretur til Roskilde - ca. 45 min. Hvor de skal møde mine kollegaer på Roskilde Sygehus's HR afdeling. Måske vi også når en tur på gågaden - ellers kommer de afsted i aften.

Video fra 1. juni 2008

Hvalpene havde besøg af Charlotte / Kim samt min søster med 2 børn, så de fik rigtig hygget sig i går - næsten 3 timer i streg, men så var de også meget trætte og sov næsten igennem til mandag morgen, pånær en halv times tid udenfor ved 21 tiden

The puppies were visited by Charlotte / Kim as well as my sister with my niece/nephew, so the puppies realy enjoyed them selves - almost 3 hours in a row. But then they almost slept untill Monday morning - except for being out again around 21.00.